Online: 232 Minutes
Viewers: 18
About Me: Hello! My name is Sophie Sato, and I am a mix of Asian discipline, dreaminess and endless curiosity for life. I am 21, and I, as the very difficult recipe from my favorite Asian cuisine. I knew that I want to be a doctor. And here I am a general practitioner, with a diploma in my hands and fire in the heart. This is my main achievement, and I am proud of it, as I would be proud of a rare artifact found in the depths of the mountains. But I'm not one of those who stop at one. My life is a kaleidoscope of hobbies. I love shopping, play volleyball, dancing, singing.My big dream is to open my clinic. Not just a place where they treat, but a space where people will feel heard and understood. I also dream of visiting Montenegro, in the Maldives and China. Now I am working as a webcam. For some, this may seem like an unusual choice, but for me it is a way to be yourself, to communicate with people and move to your goals.